Friday, 25 February 2011

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

I wish we could read people's minds at times.Not all the time because I think we don't want to hear everything people think about us. Women wish they could read a man's mind, and vice versa.

If we could do this then everything would be clear.It would be more black and white without all the grey areas. If I could have one superpower it would be this...or being able to become invisible.

It's funny how men actually enjoy 'playing hard to get' and girls not being keenos because surely you would run out of patience if the flirting isn't going anywhere. This is why I struggle with playing silly games with men, I have very little patience and get bored easily.I feel like if you fancy someone shouldn't they just know? I've been thinking about this for quite a while now because I didn't end up with my ex boyfriends by using this strategy, I think it's nicer and more stable to be in a relationship with a friend, not a close friend, maybe even an aquaintance.

Women suffer from thinking about things constantly and over analysing men and situations such as:

When is it okay for me to text him back?
Possible answers: don't text him! he should chase you!, text him back ASAP (no one really gives out that advice, don't worry)

Should I put one kiss or more? (at the end of the text)

Should I ask him out for a drink or should I wait for him to make the move?

Why should'nt I ask him out for a drink? Why is it so 'keen' to want to get to know someone, It's not like you're asking them to be your boyfriend. Of course there are different levels of 'desperate'. Theres the non stop texter who won't leave you alone (stalker Alert), theres the sex addict who thinks sex will make the guy like you when actually it will make them have sex with you, then leave. Theres the texter who won't quite leave it long enough to text you back (after 5 mins)

Men love the chase. I'm not saying all men are the same but it is agreed that this is true by many of my female and male friends. Yes It's fun, new and exciting but it gets boring after a while.

I once texted this guy during the day who texted back,the day after...he did this 4 times so I played him at his game, and when I did this, he texted back sooner and asked me for a drink. I don't know If it's coincidental or not. Yes I am a woman and yes, I over analyse everything. Theres a reason for this though, I want to go out for a drink with someone who is actually half decent and attractive, not some guy I've picked up in a club, with my beer goggles on, shouting ''Girls on tour'' or ''gash on the lash'' Lets be honest, you are not going to find your next boyfriend is some grotty sweaty meat market club...I once met this guy in the pub who was cheeky, calling me sexybum in his emails and a couple of weeks later he texted me saying....''Shag?'' .... But apart from clubs and pubs where would I find the next boyfriend? I go to a uni where the guys are gay, literally all of them and there are only like 5..... Would I meet him in the street? no because that's creepy, it's like 'I've been watching you , you're really hot lets go for a drink? AKA staring at your tits'

The whole point in this post was to try to see why women over analyse everything and why men love a chase. It didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to.Oh dear.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

BBC Interview & Singletons Valentines

WOOOOOOOOO I got an offer at Canterbury to do Fine Art. When my mum told me I almost cried. Well that's a lie, I did definetly cry a lil bit. Ok a lot, I was in floods of tears. I joke.

Urgghhh I am feeling so frustrated with myself.

Im missing someone that I shouldn't be. He wasn't good for me then and he still wouldn't be now. It's weird because I can't explain it. It not like having feelings for someone or just even fancying them, I don't think you can put a label on it.

I can't believe it took this much to make me miss him. I sound like a lovesick teenager.

Valentines Day

Is commercial.

This is what every single singleton say's out there. They make up a whole list of excuses so that they don't feel lonely. They say It's commercial, It's not a real day of the year, just an excuse to spend money on pointless gifts such as flowers and cards. Cards get thrown into the garbage eventually, or get burnt after the girl has been dumped, flowers die after three days. Single people can easily picture themselves sitting on the sofa, like the ultimate spinster slob, in front of the telly watching Bridget Jones'  (Abbreviated from Briget Jones' Diary because lets not lie, we have seen it 14 times) I should know. I am one of these people in some ways, I'm definetly a negative person at times and V Day is another excuse to be negative. I sugarcoat it by using the term ''realistic''


So, I went to the BBC last week and had my interview for ''Finishing School For Girls'' I walk into the huge building and she meets me on the ground floor. She then takes me into an office with a camera pointed at my face and attaches a microphone to my coat.

The woman is called Sue. She asked me loads of really personal questions about my past, people I used to be friends with, ex boyfriends, family and what drugs I used to take. I was clever. I told her things that my mother already knows about. She had already asked me all of this on the phone so It felt weird repeating everything I had already told her, but in front of a camera and this other woman. The other woman squinted at me as if she knew everything about me and tried to read into my body language.

To be honest, It felt like a counselling session. Especially with the other woman, sitting cross legged, leaning forward with her hand on her chin, squinting at me and trying to understand who I was. I felt good vibes from her, she was warm and friendly and didn't have a front. The only question she asked me was why I didn't want to have children. She probably wanted to hear that I was unable to have children. Sorry to dissapoint you.