Wednesday 2 March 2011


I feel the need to blog in the night time, around 1am usually.

It's funny how I'm on facebook chat, debating whether or not to talk to this guy or not, or to play the 'hard to get' game. For most girls, playing hard to get is an instant decision made but for me, it was'nt until now. Im far too impatient to play stupid games and get bored easily. I decided to start playing the game and I was surprised at it's results and how well it worked.Instant success.

Anyway, as always, I am far too shy to start the conversation as I would probably come across as stupid and awkward because when it comes to men, I am too scared to even approach any of them. I was with this guy I like, the other day, just talking, as friends and I began to say stupid pointless random things, such as ''Oooohh look, we're both wearing stripes!'' HOW CRINGE OF MY LIFE is that? He didn't say a thing...

I find it so strange how just by being in the prescence of someone who I like, I instantly become awkward and less confident to how I normally am. My friend's would describe me as wild and loud. With men, I turn into a shy little girl. I guess I'm too scared to show how I really am because It's pretty intense and intimidating.

It's been 82 hours and he still hasn't replied to my message.Maybe he hasn't been on facebook? he has, I saw him online for approximately  10.34568 mins Maybe someone 'stole' his laptop?..... This is how much women over analyse. I'm exaggerating, but the funny thing is, I found myself saying '' He hasn't replied for four whole days when normally he leaves it two days''  It drives me crazy to be one of those girls. Normally I don't care but as a woman, I tend to over analyse what could potentially happen with a guy. Typing this is embarrassing but I know that all of my female friends feel the same when this happens to them...Men...not so much. It might just be paranoia but what if it isn't?

You know what, so what? After my two year relationship ended I thought to myself, in 10 years time are you even going to remember this person? It applies to my situation now, and also there are ''plenty more fish in the sea'' It's not even a big deal because it is so minor and nothing has even happened yet.