Sunday, 5 February 2012

Boredom Strikes.

Wow it's been a long time since I posted...Like 5 months?!
Well today has been exceptionally boring in all honesty. Normally on a Sunday me and my best friend at uni, Zoe would be in bed, hanging like hangman, watching some trashy television programme and eating an 8 course meal for the entire day which would normally start with a fry up....

 What really happened was, we didn't go out last night so no I am not nursing my hangover while eating shitloads of pizza bread and watching ''Playing it Straight'' because her boyfriend is here for the weekend I am feeling pretty lonely and it has been a bloody dull Saturday & Sunday I'll tell you that much. I know this sounds awful but honestly I cannot wait for him to leave, I really like him, get along with him blah blah blah but they just sit in her room and be one of those couples. Surely I have someone else to hang out with? WELLLL that's the thing....I don't. Okay that's a tad over dramatic but she is one of my only girlfriends at uni and the rest are boys and you know when your in that mood to have a girly day and talk about girly things?

Maybe If I had a boyfriend things would be different, I wouldn't be so lonely and bored. Not even necessarily a boyfriend but just some male company to pass the time with. I had one of these once but he was just too stupid and brain dead to even actually pass time with. If anything I probably would have preffered to be alone rather than be in the same vicinity as him. But the thing is, I did have a boyfriend when I started uni, not that it felt like I did but now I feel like I can't complain about other people being so dependant on their men and being all vom and coupley, when I did complain the response I have received has been ''Oh but it wasn't like that when you had a boyfriend'' or ''I should set you up with one of Callum's mates?!'' Funnily enough it WAS like that when I had a boyfriend, even though he existed that's all there was to it. It took him 6/8 weeks to come and visit me at uni and as if that wasn't bad enough he would only speak to me every 2 weeks...on BBM and for a limited time only, so when my friend's boyfriend was over which was every single weekend you can only imagine how I felt. You wouldn't have thought that this ''boyfriend'' of mine even existed!

So this is my Sunday Funday...not.

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