Monday, 20 December 2010


I am seriously bored of Cheryl Cole.
She is literally everywhere and has taken over.
People are saying that she is the new Princess Diana. WHAT a disgusting statement to make.
People will say that im just jealous, of what? she is a shit musician lets face it and what exactly has she done to change the world? what would I be jealous of? her beauty? She has had plastic surgery according to the tabloids and I'm sure if we all had proffessional hairdressers,make up artists and stylists on speed dial and available 24/7 then we would all look pretty damn good.

People say that when they are older, they want to be famous. Those who are already in the public eye say that they hate it. I don't blame them. Cheryl Cole is one of those people who also hate being in the public eye.

What do you gain from fame?

- Money- from selling stories to newspapers and magazines as well as your ''talent''
- Attention, plenty of it. Especially if you marry someone more famous than you are.Maybe even an A-lister.
- 15 minutes.

Money doesn't necessarily guarantee a lifetime of happiness. It brings you short term happiness and once you have gotten everything you want and theres nothing left that you wish for, then what? what do you do?
Take Cheryl Cole for example, money can't buy you a nice loving faithful husband
It can't buy you safety (reference to her malaria incident)
It can only really buy you materialistic things and a luxurious lifestyle but there will come a time when you are bored of it.

Being in the public eye drains energy and time and you are watched and photographed everytime you leave the house, even if you casually step out into your back garden, we know how desperate the paparazzi are to get that one semi nude/bum crack/nippe/acne/any type of fault that is defined by society, photograph to sell for thousands.

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