On Wednesday night, I went to Cheapskates, Tottenham Court Road, the skankiest most horrifically unhygenic club I have been to apart from the Redback. Besides their hygene standards the night is always fun. It normally consists of the same shinanigans:
Talk to some drunken 'lads' who are obviously leering down your top.
Wait 20-45 mins at the bar (while slurring at another group of guys) TRYING to buy a fucking drink. By the time you actually get to the bar you have sobered up and need at least 10 vodka diet cokes just to make up for the wait. At 90p a hit everyone is obviously desperate to buy as many drinks as possible.
Dance all night until it seems a good idea to run around bear foot because you have noticed your feet are bleeding from your 6 inch stillettos.
It may not seem like fun but someone's idea of HELL but honestly, at most cheap clubs what more can you expect? When people ask me to describe Cheapskates on a Wednesday night, I tell them that they will most definetly bring a 'delightful' young lad home to mother and father.
I did such a thing unfortunately. While trollied, I thought it would be a good idea to invite 2 guys back to mine (I know how it sounds but it was innocent) Lets call them...*Tom and *Jerome, heaven forbid if they ever find this. So basically me and ''Tom'' had been an item for that evening and he had his friend ''Jerome'' with him. We left and then went back to my parents house and after more drinking and talking about utter shit about their ''acting courriers'' FAIL, we went to sleep, Tom fell asleep first and then his friend thought it was a good idea to try and kiss me whilst we are all in the same bed. I was MORTIFIED.
Anyway, on another occassion, I saw both of these guys again, at my friend's Birthday. The same thing happened, apart from Jerome was trying it on with one of my friend's who had a boyfriend.....? Tom and I were just hanging out and kissing blah blah blah....then he tells me that he is engaged.... My mouth hung open for about 20 minutes until I reacted by shouting at him and telling him to ring his fiance. He obviously didn't do that. He also denied to my face that anything had happened between us and we had'nt done anything...I physically couldn't understand what planet this boy was on. So half an hour later he tells me that it was a joke and that those were his ''acting skills'' he was definetly all over the shop. What a complete loser.
On Thursday night I went to Punk, in Tottenham Court Road with my 3 friends, Caitlin, Michael and Emily <3
It was one of the best night's I have had in a long time, we danced all night, drank and sat on my friend's table. I won't go into detail.
At Imogen's Christmas party I dressed up as puss in boots because its.....festive.....?
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