Saturday, 25 December 2010

NEW YEARS - The trauma

I am having withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and it's only been 2 days.HOW shit is that. More to the point, how ridiculous does that sound...only two days and my body is feeling like it's missing one of it's organs. Most likely to be my liver....

Every year, the trauma of organising new years arrives.
who comes, who's house party to go to, who won't be invited and the who you are going to kiss at midnight.

And most importantly, who is actually going to come up with a plan?
This year it has landed on me and my friend, Rory. The dilemma is where to have it, he wants to have an afterparty and most people don't want to travel from East London to West. I can have a new years party at my parents house but only 20 people (round the corner from Rory's)...which is not fun.
Another dilemma, my friend Caitlin is having her birthday at new years and I am helping her organise it which makes people more confused at WHERE WE ARE GOING?!

At the end of the day there is always one poor soul who has to organise the whole shabang.

Who comes? But this person's boyfriend isn't invited? Oh can I bring my friends sister's dog? But that person will think I'm desperate if I invite them?' ...... And so on. The continuation of the annoying questions.

And then theres the problem of who to kiss at midnight. Last year we actually had a rota of who would kiss who. I kissed my friend Julia, then She would kiss Tom, then I would kiss Tom, then He would kiss Noni, then I would kiss Noni, then Noni would kiss Julia. WE might as well have had a 4 way kissing session.

I want this year to be different, I don't want to kiss someone based on a rota. I want to kiss them because I genuinely want to, even when im sober which is a rare occasion.

Still, wouldn't it be nice to spend new years kissing someone that later on you don't regret?/Feel sick at the thought of/makes you want to cry.

Do you have to bring a date? well no not necessarily, you just need a backup. New years is very important to me. Especially since I hate christmas, thank god that's over for the next 12 months.

New years has been playing on my mind for the past few weeks, my friend offered to be my date which is lovely of him, I did moan to him on the phone for an hour about who to take as my ''date'' if you want to call it that. I would rather have like 5 dates to be frank. Theres always hope.

Whatever happens, I will make a huge effort to look incredible in that backless LBD and 6 inch stilletoes which will give me masses of confidence to kiss someone nice...and then I'll be happy.


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