My 14 year old brother who is really more of a 10 year old.
Jeremy Kyle- you are no longer my guilty pleasure, you have dissapointed me with your repetitive nature of revolting looking creatures who havn't learnt how to use a condom , you know that latex thing that you put on the end of it? no...okay.
All of the people are exactly the same, I swear I've seen some of the same people on the show at least 3 times? to get 3 DNA tests because they have slept with multiple people.
I went to Brighton University open day today which was kind of pointless seeing as I went to a talk about history of art when I want to apply for fine art...
My dad came with me-big mistake. He was so cringe, he fell asleep in the auditorium where the talk was being held (there were like 30 people there) I was debating whether or not to wake him up. I thought about this for a good 2 minutes because
1. If I wake him up, he might twitch and grunt noisely
2. If I don't wake him up, he could potentially begin to snore very loudly which knowing my dad would be most likely to occur.
I thought that if he did snore, I would try and move away. Anyway I just left him. Thank god only 10 minutes of the talk was left.
I think I should disguise people's identity better in my blog. Everyone seems to know who I am talking about in most posts. I don't know if this is a bad thing or not because I have not recieved any complaints as of yet. Also it shows how I feel about some people, but in a more cowardly way.
I get the most random phonecalls from friends who I always thought I wasn't particularly close to, which is a nice surprise because it makes me think that I am more connected with my old friends who have gone off to Uni. At the same time, I have fallen out with people who I never thought I would fall out with, some of them have been surprising, some not. When I think of the reasons why we have fallen out, they seem stupid...well some of them aren't but those are broken friendships that are impossible to recover from. I always want to see the best in everyone because I don't like thinking that someone could be THAT nasty. I have a soft spot for a lot of people. People who I have always loved having as a friend, people who I couldn't imagine my life without, people who I know make a huge difference to my day.
I find people very confusing at times and hard to read but I guess that just makes things a bit more interesting, not necessarily in a good way.
In an odd way I miss the people I used to be friends with, I know that they are not genuine people but it was a lot of fun while it lasted. I guess it can be a good memory that I can look back on, we shouldn't dwell on the past. Maybe it was just that life was easier in general then, when I was 15. At the time, I thought my life was really hard but now that I look back on it, it wasn't at all, to be honest it was so easy. Especially compared to now. I wonder what those people are doing now, the people I spent 2 intense years with. I can guarantee some of them have probably become smackheads...or drug dealers... a lot of them have had babies too. What a lovely combination.
Maybe something like this.........
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